Monday, August 10, 2009

In response to such an amazing introduction to our trip-I must say that I feel so extremely lucky to have met a friend that is willing to take time out of their busy life to travel this beautiful country and how in the world could I have passed up this opportunity! It's amazing the courses your life takes you and it's crazy to think that only four months ago I had no idea that this opportunity would have arisen!!! Well today is the first day of the school year and the countdown of the last 3 weeks of work! Wish me luck! Thanks Nathan for creating this blog-it will be very useful and something to look back on in years to come!!

21 Days 'Til Departure

Hello to all of our family and friends! this post marks the beginning of Nathan and Rachaels adventure out west. For all of those who have yet to hear about our plans I will atempt to explain. About seven months ago, I desided I wanted to travel out west. this has been a dream of mine for several years but the timing has not been right until now. I originally planed to go on this grand adventure to explore the west solo, but as fate would have it, I met an extradinary lady while I was living in Black Mountain, North Carolina. Her name is Rachael G.(last name excluded for privacy reasons) and she was my neighbor while I resided there. I shared with her my grand vision of exploring the west for three months after I graduated college. As time passed she vocalized her desire to join me on this adventure. She made plans to quit her job....let me say that again because of its significance...She desided to Quit her job and travel with me for three months after knowing me for only half a year. At the time I had no mode of transportation worth of such milage and didnt want to test the F350 i had that ran on SVO(strait veggie oil). So, I started to pray and make the plans anyways. last month I finally found that perfect vehical that would not only suit my needs for this trip, but would also serve a practical purpose in my life for the next few years. A 2005 Rallye Red Honda Element EX. It was a prayer answered to say the least. As the time has drawn closer, Racheal and myself have been diligently planning. She has done the most significant part because I have been in the Wilderness for the last three months instructing courses for North Carolina Outward Bound School. A School that will always be a part of my heart.

Our plans are to document our trip so that we can share our expereinces with those that love and care about us...and those that are just curious. We plan to circle the west in a counter clockwise path that starts heading north to Wisconsin and into Canada, and then South to Mexico to then again turn North and spent a significant amount of time in Utah and Colorado before ending our trip in Asheville, the place we are starting out trip. We plan on staying in National Parks and on Forest Service Land most of our days, and entertwining 2-3 day backpacking trips with in those spectacular areas. It gives me chills just thinking about the aw inspiring views I will have the pleasre of expereincing. We have budgeted three thousand dollars apiece and will bring all the nessisary supplies needed to be self suficient as travelers and ramblers. We do not know where the roads will take us but we are both excited about it. Excited about the soul searching, self renewal, relationships, and charater building that will occur.

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers
-Nathan P.